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要旨 目的:テント上脳卒中に続発する錐体路のWaller変性をMRI拡散テンソル画像(diffusion tensor imaging : DTI)検査にて評価し,発症3カ月後の機能予後との相関について検討した。
方法:テント上脳卒中の28例でDTIを急性期と2週目で撮像した。また7例では1カ月目でも撮像した。大脳脚でのfractional anisotropy(FA)を測定し,患側と非患側の比(FA比)を計算した。機能予後は発症3カ月後のmodified Rankin Scaleで評価した。
結果:FA比は2週目で低下し,2週目と1カ月目では有意差がなかった。発症2週目のFA比が0.8以下のものは3カ月後のmodified Rankin Scaleはすべて4と5であり,同様に0.8以上のものは80歳代の高齢者の3例を除きすべて3以上であった。
We used diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) to assess wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract after the onset of supra-tentorial stroke, and correlation of the extent of Wallerian degeneration with the motor function at 3 months after stroke. Twenty eight patients with supra-tentorial acute stroke were examined, two weeks and one month after stroke by DTI. We measured fractional anisotropy(FA) of affected side/unaffected side(FA ratio) in the cerebral peduncle. We used modified Rankin Scale(mRS) for assessment of motor function at 3 months after stroke.
FA ratio was significantly reduced at 2 weeks after stroke(0.833±0.146) compared to on admission(0.979±0.0797). But no significant change of FA ratio was seen between two weeks and one month after stroke in 7 cases examined(0.758±0.183 vs. 0.754±0.183). In all patients in whom the FA ratio was under 0.8 at 2 weeks after stroke, motor function showed poor recovery(mRS 4 and 5) at 3 months after stroke. When FA ratio was over 0.8 at 2 weeks after stroke, motor function at 3 months after stroke showed good recovery(mRS 0 to 3) expect for three elderly patients.
With the use of DTI, Wallerian degeneration could be detected in the corticospinal tracts at midbrain level during the early phase of supra-tentorial stroke. We conclude that DTI may be useful for early prediction of motor function prognosis in patients with supra-tentorial acute stroke.
(Received : October 20, 2004)

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