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【抄録】 Propranololをはじめとするβ) blockersは,不安障害(パニック障害,社会恐怖など),リチウム起因性振戦,薬剤性アカシジア,遅発性ジスキネジア,PTSDなどの治療に有効と報告されており,さらに欧米においては精神分裂病者,精神発達遅滞者,痴呆性疾患や外傷などの器質性精神障害者の焦燥感,攻撃性および暴力行為などの症状の治療薬として,いくつかの報告がみられている。今回我々は,向精神薬の副作用により,向精神薬の増量や追加が難しく,焦燥感,攻撃性および暴力行為がみられていた精神分裂病の2症例にpropranololを併用したところ,低血圧や徐脈などを認めることなく,症状の軽減が認められた。なお,焦燥感の評価にはThe Overt Agitation Severity Scale(OASS),攻撃性の評価にはThe Overt Aggression Scale(OAS)を用いた。propranololは,焦燥感や攻撃性,暴力行為が認められる精神分裂病者で,向精神薬の増量や追加が困難な症例においては,有効な薬剤の1つであると考えられた。
Introduction : Propranolol is commonly used in medical practice for the treatment of hypertension, angina, and certain cardiac arrhythmias. Although propranolol is not officially approved for use in psychiatric indications, some studies show that they are effective in generalized anxiety disorders, neuroleptic-induced akathisia, lith-iuminduced postural tremor, withdrawal symptoms, agitation, aggression and violent behaviorrelated disorders in patients with chronic schizophrenia, brain injury and mental retardation.
Method and Subjects : The subject's symptoms (i.e., agitation, aggression and violent behavior) were evaluated by a doctor and several nurses using The Overt Aggression Scale (OAS) and The Overt Agitation Severity Scale (OASS). Both scales are objective measurements.
Subjects were two inpatients with chronic schizophrenia who required the prescription of additional antipsychotic agents due to unstable symptoms, but adverse effects emerged and their ADL (“activity of daily living”) worsened. Propranolol was substituted and their symptoms improved at a dose of 90~120mg/day. The subject's OASS scores and OAS scores improved as well.
Conclusion : Propranolol was an effective agent for the treatment of agitation, aggression and violent behavior in two inpatients with chronic schizophrenia. This study showed that propranolol is a useful agent to lessen agitation, aggression and violent behavior without adverse effects such as general sedation, extrapyramidal symptoms, and anticholinergic effects. Clinicians should be aware that propranolol is one of effective agents in psychiatric practice as well as in cardiac practice.
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