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抄録 精神科長期入院患老の動脈硬化度を大動脈脈派速度(P. W. V.)法を用いて測定し,一般集団検診受診例より抽出した健常対照群と比較,検討した。また入院患者群の肥満度と,総コレステロール,トリグリセライド,β-リポ蛋白,HDL-コレステロールの4種の血清脂質を測定し,P. W. V. 値との関連について検討し,以下の結果を得た。(1)精神科長期入院患者群の30〜70歳台の各年代におけるP. W. V. 値は健常対照群と比較して有意な高値を示し,動脈硬化が高度であることが判明した。(2)入院患者群の19.5%に高度肥満を認め,中等度,軽度肥満を含めると約半数の症例に肥満が認められた。(3)4種の血清脂質中,β-リポ蛋白,HDL-コレステロールで異常を示す例が多く認められた。(4)年齢,在院期間,収縮期および拡張期血圧,身長,体重,4種の血清脂質の計10因子中,P. W. V. 値に高い寄与度を示したのは年齢,収縮期血圧,拡張期血圧,総コレステロール値であつた。
Using the pulse wave velocity (P.W.V.) method, the degree of arteriosclerosis was measured in chronically hospitalized patients with psychiatric disorders. The value obtained from patients devided into a decade, were compared with those of control subjects selected from people in whom the P.W.V. had been measured as a part of a group health examination. In addition, the degree of obesity and serum lipid, such as total cholesterol, triglyceride, β-lipoprotein and HDL cholesterol, were determined in the psychiatric in-patients and correlations were examined between the P.W.V. and these variables.
The results were as follows :
1) The mean P.W.V. value of the psychiatric in-patients in each chronological age from 30 to 70 years was significantly higher than that of the control subjects. This finding indicates that arteriosclerosis may be higher in degree in psychiatric in-patients when compared with control subjects in the corresponding age.
2) Approximately 50% of all the psychiatric in-patients were obese. Severely obese in-patients were 19.5%.
3) Of four serum lipids examined, β-lipo protein and HDL cholesterol values were found to be abnormal in numerous psychiatric in-patients.
4) Of ten factors such as age, duration of hospitalization systolic and diastolic blood pressures, height, body weight and four serum lipids, age, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and total cholesterol contributed greatly to the P.W.V. value.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.