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Eosinophilic Heart Disease Manifested by Unstable Angina Pectoris: a case report Yoshiko Kanezaki 1 , Yasuhiro Suzuki 1 , Yasutami Tamaki 1 , Shigeaki Kimura 1 , Toshiaki Takeichi 1 , Hiroshi Fujimoto 1 , Kazuhiko Masuda 1 , Akira Shirakami 1 , Takeshi Nishiuchi 2 , Katsuya Tamura 2 1Department of Internal Medicine, Health Insurance Naruto Hospital 2Department of Cardiology, Health Insurance Naruto Hospital Keyword: 好酸球増多症 , 不安定狭心症 , 冠攣縮 , eosinophilic heart disease , unstable angina pectoris , vasospasm pp.401-405
Published Date 2001/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404902278
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 A 33-year-old man noticed chest pain for 3 hours onevery evening in June, 1996. Physical examinationrevealed wheezing of bilateral lung stethoscopically.Electrocardiogram showed negative T wave in leads I, II, III, aVL, aVF, ST depression and negative T in leadsV4-6 Laboratory examination of peripheral bloodshowed leukocvtosis (29,800/mm3) with marked eosinophilia (19,344/mm3). Levels of serum IgE, IL-5, solubleIL-2 receptor and plasma GM CSF were elevated to 456IU/ml, 90.3pg/ml, 1,950U/ml and 16.4pg/ml respectively. Both plasma and urinary histamine concentrationwere normal. Echocardiogram, cardiac scintigram andleft ventriculogram showed ischemia of anterior wall, while coronary arteriogram could not disclose anystenotic lesions.

 After administration of prednisolone, chest pain rapidly disappeared with decrease of peripheral blood eosinophil counts and with normalization of electrocardiogram. We speculated that both alteration of cytokinenetwork and some mediators released from eosinophilcaused coronary vasospasm and bronchospasm.

Copyright © 2001, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


