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A 67-year-old woman with sustained chest pain wasreferred to the hospital because of suspected acutemyocardial infarction. An electrocardiogram demonstrated ST-segment elevation in leads I, II, aVL, and V2-V6. Emergent coronary arteriography showed normalcoronary arteries. Left ventriculography, however,revealed akinesis of the apex, anterolateral, and diaphragmatic segments with hypercontraction of the basalsegment. The end-systolic shape of the left ventriclecorresponded to “Takotsubo”-like cardiomyopathy. Apressure gradient of 25 mmHg was present at the leftventricular outflow tract. Echocardiography demonstrated asymmetric septal hypertrophy and systolicanterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve. The peaklevel of serum creatine kinase was 216 IU/l. The SAMand the left ventricular outflow obstruction disappearedby the third day of hospitalization, and the leftventricular wall motion normalized within 3 weeks. C-reactive protein and antiviral antibodies did notincrease, and biopsy specimens showed no evidence ofmyocarditis. Neither intracoronary acetylcholine norergonovine provoked coronary vasospasm at 3 weeksafter the disease onset. Although the patient's leftventricular hypertrophy was considered secondary tohypertension, the SAM provoked by the Venturi effectand the displacement of the papillary muscles, both ofwhich were associated with hypercontraction of thehypertrophied basal wall, were the most likely causes ofthe transient left ventricular out flow obstruction.

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