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A 56-year-old woman with dilated cardiomyopathyabruptly went into shock after sustained ventriculartachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Although thepatient was resuscitated with artificial respiration andcardiac massage, frequent direct-current shock ablation(300J) and intravenous lidocaine could not stop near-fatal ventricular arrythmias. Therefore. a high dose ofamiodarone was given through a stomach tube. 3 hourslater, the near-fatal ventricular arrythmias decreasedremarkably and, 6 hours later, they had disappearedcompletely. Although usual-dose therapy usingamiodarone takes about 2 weeks to take effect, high-dose therapy using amiodarone took only several hoursto suppress near-fatal ventricular arrythmias in thispatient. High-dose loading of amiodarone might beuseful for rapid treatment of life-threatening sustainedventricular arrythmias.
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