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This study examined the time, month, and year-related variations of electrocardiographic responsesprovoked by apneic facial immersion (API). First, therewere no significant differences among three minimumheart rates (HRmin) obtained at 9:30, 12:00, and17:30. Neither were there significant difference in theirthree values in relation to resting heart rates (%HRmin).Correlation coefficients among three HRmins weresignificant at r=0.845~0.953, and those among three%HRmins were also significant at r=0.845~0.930.Furthermore good correspondence was observed in theincidence of arrhythmias by AFI. Second, in regard tomonth-related variations, although bradycardiacresponses by AFI didn't seem to reveal seasonal varia-tions, the incidence of arrhythmias corresponded fairlywell. Third, with regard to year-related variations, theattenuated bradycardiac responses were observed in twosubjects who were over 34.4 years of age and 38.9 yearsof age respectively.
From these results, the following three points weresuggested: 1) Good electrocardiographic correspond-ence can be expected from 9:30 to 17:30 except attimes immediately after meals; 2) Month-related re-producibility of the incidence of arrhythmias corres-ponded fairly well; 3) It is probable that bradycardiacresponses start to attenuate on or after the mid thirtieswith large differences depending on the individual.

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