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The effects of amrinone (group A) and milrinone (group B) were compared in 15 patients ( 9 male6female;average age 65±14 years) with functional classIII and IV congestive heart failure ( grading according tothe New York Heart Association) In group A amrinonewas administered intravenously as a drip infusion(10μ9/kg/min) after a bolus injection (lmg/kg). Ingroup B milrinone was administered intravenously as adrip infusion ( 0.5μg/kg/min) after a bolus injection( 50μg/kg).The following mesurements were made at lhour and 24 hours after administration;heart rate;brachial artery systolic and diastolic blood pressure;pulmonary capillary wedge pressure;and cardiacindex. There was no significant difference in the percentchanges in heart rate systolic blood pressure diastolicblood pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressurebetween group A and group B. However the percentchange in cardiac index from baseline was significantlyhigher in group B than in group A ( 27.3±10.3%vs 16.4±15.3% at l hour and 24.7±10.3%vs 17.O±10.8% at 24hours;mean±SD;both p<0.05) The results of thisstudy indicate that inotropic milrinone produces a morepotent inotropic effect than amrinone in cases of severecongestive heart faiure.

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