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症例は59歳,男性.左血性胸水で近医より紹介され,外来で経過観察中に血清トリグリセリド値1,388mg/dlと高値,凝固線溶系でAT III活性19%と著明な低下が認められ入院となる.精査の結果,AT III抗原量は正常範囲であったが,その活性は血清トリグリセリド値と負の相関を示し,トリグリセリド値が低下するに従って活性は回復していった.本例はトリグリセリドによりAT III活性が阻害される可能性を示したもので,高トリグリセリド血症の病態を考えるうえで考慮すべき点と思われた.
A remarkable decrease of antithrombin III activity was found in a 59-year-old male patient with high serum triglyceride levels. After admission, his serum triglyceride levels gradually decreased and his antith-rombin III activity concomitantly increased up to nor-mal levels. There was a strong negative correlation between the serum triglyceride levels and antithrombin III activity. This finding suggests that antithrombin III activity is influenced by serum triglyceride levels.

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