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A 65-year-old man was referred to our departmentfor complete atrio-ventricular block. He had a 5-monthhistory of effect angina and had been treated withisosorbide dinitrate. Soon after admission, the patientdeveloped acute lung edema followed by cardiogenicshock. We immediately connected him to an artificialrespirator and performed pacing and intra aortic bal-loon pumping. The results of electrocardiography andlaboratory data were not compatible with the diagnosisof acute myocardial infarction. Echocardiographyrevealed severe hypokinesis over a wide area in theanterolateral wall of the left ventricle. After recoveryfrom congestive heart failure and cardiogenic shock,coronary angiography (CAW was carried out. It showedtotal occlusion of the left main coronary artery, and theleft anterior descending artery and the left circumflexartery were supplied by good collaterals from the rightcoronary artery. Coronary aorto bypass grafting andpermanent pacemaker implantation was undertaken.This is a rare case of chronic total occlusion of the leftmain trunk with complete atrio-ventricular block andacute lung edema.
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