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症例は53歳,女性.1993年5月30日,突然の胸・背部痛,呼吸困難出現後,ショックおよび多臓器不全の状態で入院.心エコーで左室肥大・左室機能障害,高度の三尖弁閉鎖不全症を認めた.持続血液濾過療法などの治療により軽快をみたが,経過中胸水再貯留を来し,心エコー再検時新たに右室流出路を圧排する腫瘤を認めた.CT,MRI,および心血管造影検査で上行大動脈の前壁中部にエントリーを有する腕頭動脈分岐直前までの上行大動脈全長に広がる解離性大動脈瘤(De Bakey II型)および縦隔内血腫の合併を確認した.急性期内科的治療を行い,慢性期人工血管置換術を施行,経過良好で入院から約7ヵ月で軽快退院し現在通院治療中である.以上極めて稀な右室流出路および肺動脈主幹部の狭窄を合併した急性解離性大動脈瘤の治療に成功した1例を経験したので報告する.
A 53-year-old female was admitted with an abrupt onset of chest pain, back pain and shortness of breath On arrival at the hospital MOF (multiorgan failure) and hypotension appeared. Echocardiogram showed left ventricular hypertrophy, left ventricular dysfunc tion and severe tricuspid regurgitation. A 99mTC macroaggregated albumin lung scan did not reveal perfusion defect of the lung. She was treated with CHF (continuous hemofiltration) and medication. Thesetreatments demonstrated improvement. But after a while, a chest X-ray showed pleural effusion again and echocardiogram showed mass which compressed right ventricle anew. Thoracic Computed Tomography (CT), Thoracic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Cardiac cathetherization were undergone. They disclosed dissection of the ascending aorta (De Bakey type II) with a large adventitial hematoma which extended from the ascending aorta after medial rupture of the aortic dissecting anurysm, and continuous hematoma which extended from this adventitial hematoma after adventitial rupture. By this hematoma outflow of right ventricle and main pulmonary artery was compressed. In this case CHF and medication were undergone immediately and after about 6 month the ascending aorta were replaced with an artifical graft successfully. She discharged from the hospital within a month after the operation.
The occulusion of right ventricular outflow and pul-monary artery by an acute dissecting aneurysm is a rare complication. In such cases. the correct diagnosis and prompt treatment is necessary. But these cases were often made wrong diagnosis, acute massive pulmonary embolism. We reported one case who was treated successfuly. Such is the purpose of this report.

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