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健常者38例のLVmassに有意差のない慢性肺疾患患者24例(健常群98.1±13.5g・m−2vs慢性肺疾患群101.0±13.4g・m−2,心エコーPenn方式による)のうち,三尖弁逆流を認めた17例で心エコードプラー法で求めた右室収縮期圧と心筋SPECT右室・左室カウント比・RV/LV countとは正相関関係にあった(r=0.822,p<0.001).慢性肺疾患患者24例においてRV/LVcountと血漿BNP濃度は正相関関係にあった(r=0.865,p<0.001).加えて,健常群に比して慢性肺疾患群でBNP濃度が有意に高値を示した(健常群11.4±1.3pg/ml vs慢性肺疾患群22.6±19.8pg/ml,p<0.001).以上より慢性肺疾患患者の血中BNP濃度は右室肥大の生化学的マーカーになり得ることが示唆された.
Of 24 chronic lung disease patients with no significant difference in LV mass from 38 healthy volunteers (healthy volunteer group 98.1±13.5gm-2 vs chronic lung disease group 101.1±13.4gm-2 by Penn method echocar-diography), myocardial spect RV/LV count and plasma BNP levels were directly proportional in the 24 chronic lung disease patients (r=0.865, p<0.001). RV systolic pressure obtained by Doppler echocardiography and myocardial spect RV/LV count ratio were directly proportional in 17 patients with tricuspid regurgitation (r=0.822, p<0.001).
These results suggested that plasma BNP levels could be a biochemical marker for RV hypertrophy in patients with chronic lung disease.

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