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A case of acute myocardial infarction due to the lesion in the left main coronary artery was repor-ted.
A 50-year male was referred to our department for suspected acute myocardial infarction. Physical examination on admission revealed slight cyanosis with cold sweating due to severe chest pain. Pulse was irregular and heart rate was 78 beats/ min. Blood pressure was 100/80 mmHg. A series of electrocardiogams (ECG) and labolatory data pro-vided the diagnosis of wide-ranged anterolateral infarction in the left ventricle.
Emergency coronary angiograms taken without delay showed a subtotal occlusion (99% stenosis) of the left main coronary trunk (LMT) before the initiation of intracoronary thrombolysis (PTCR). Following the intracoronary infusion of urokinase of 1,200,000 units, symptoms and ECG changes transiently improved but worsened later, and LMT stenotic lesion and delayed filling of myocardium were similar with before PTCR. Emergency coro-nary-aorto bypass graft (CABG) was undertaken without a significant delay to both the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and left circumflex coro-nary artery (LCX). With these treatments, the patient could survive despite the wide area of in-farction due to LMT lesion.
Coronary angiograms performed 37 days after the CABG showed that the graft to LAD was completely occluded and the LCX graft was patent with partial stenosis. Treadmill test at this time induced an anginal episode with ischemic ECG changes on moderate exercise, indicating the pre-sence of significant area of ischemic myocardium.For salvage of the ischemic myocardium, percutan-eous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was successfully performed for the LMT stenosis, resul-ting in no episode of angina nor ischemic ECG changes during exercise loading.
PTCR and emergency CABG, followed by PTCA at a stable condition, may be effective procedures for infarcted patients of LMT lesion in a sense of not only survival but comeback to social lives.

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