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A case of aorto-coronary bypass in Jehovah's Witness Ryuichi Matsumura 1 , Takashi Yoshino 1 , Tohru Kobayashi 1 , Yoshiyuki Fudemoto 1 , Yoshihiro Sawada 2 1The Department of Circulatory Dynamics, Center for Adult Diseases, Osaka 2Nishiyodo Hospital pp.687-690
Published Date 1989/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404205500
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An aorto-coronary bypass grafting was performed in a 50 year-old man, a Jehovah's Witness, suffering from effort angina pectoris. Preoperatively, he was underwent PTCA for LAD occlusion, which failed.

Single aorto-coronary bypass grafting using IMA was performed under the extracorporeal circulation primed with Ringer's Lactate and albumin. Moderate hypothermia with core temperature of 31.5℃ was used, and minimal level of the hematocrit was 18% during the perfusion.

At the start of the operation, 800ml of blood were withdrawn from the jugular vein to the blood bag which connected to a peripheral venous line uninter-ruptedly. During the operation, the autologous blood was continuously transfused very slowly and most of the autologous blood was transfused after the termi-nation of extracorporeal circulation. The blood in the extracorporeal circuit was hemoconcentrated with ECUM (extracorporeal ultrafiltration method) from hematocrit level 22% to 35% and transfused.

The postoperative course was uneventful. At the time of discharge from hospital on the 42 nd post-operative day the hemoglobin level was 13. 1g/dl and hematocrit level was 42%.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


