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運動負荷における恒常状態での血液ガス,とくにPaO2についての研究は数多くみられる。しかし,一定運動負荷終了から再び安静状態に達するまでの非常に変化の激しい時期,いわゆるrecovery periodにおける血液ガスの変動についての報告は意外に少なく不明なことも多い。今回の研究は,一定運動負荷終了に伴うreco—very periodを血液ガスの面から若年者,高齢者および低肺機能患者を対象にして経時的に観察することを目的とした。
PaO2 was measured during the recovery period of constant-load exercise in three groups.
Group 1 was 8 healthy young subjects. Group 2 was 9 elderly subjects with normal cardiorespiratory function and group 3 was 7 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
PaO2 rose abruptly at the stop of exercise in all groups and afterward returned to the preexercise values in group 1 and 2. But in group 3, PaO2 fell under the preexercise value. This study showed that the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease had the possibility of the fall of PaO2 after exercise.
Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.