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しかし,生体においては,肺静脈系自体の解剖学的特性からアプローチが難しく,in vivoにおける肺動脈系コンプライアンス(Cpv)の測定法としては,いくつかの報告があるが1〜3),間接的な方法や複雑な方法が多い。そこで,我々は開心術時に簡明に直接肺静脈系内で負荷時容積一圧力関係を求め,これよりCpvを求める方法として,心拍同期容積負荷測定法を考案し,実験的にCpvを求めてその有用性を検討した。
It is known that pulmonary venous system, which consists of the pulmonary veins and left atrium plays an important role for the upstream vascular capacity of left heart system and pulmonary venous compliance (Cpv) indicates a function of vascular capacity. In spite of the importance of Cpv, there are few appropriate methods to measure Cpv due to a difficulty in approaching the pulmonary venous sys-tem. Therefore, we designed a direct and simple measurement of Cpv by R-synchronized volume load-ing during the open-heart operation and evaluated its utility experimentally.
In 12 anesthetized open-chest dogs, a balloon (volume=ΔV) was inserted in the left atrium through the left auricle. Pulmonary venous pressure (PVP) wave measured with a low pressure transducer in-dicated v wave during mitral valve closure. Elevated pressure (ΔP) from control v wave was measured when the balloon (ΔV=3~10ml) was inflated during mitral valve closure at the rate of one time per two beats using Model 20-AVCO in a synchro-nized fashion.
PVP along with volume loading (JV) standardized by body weight was plotted on a regression line with a statistical significance (r =0.98±0.02). Cpv obtained from this slope was concluded to be 0. 146 ±0.056ml・mmHg-1・ kg-1 when PVP was 8.8±2.1 mmHg and Cpv developed a tendency to decrease as PVP increased.
We designed a new method of pulmonary venous compliance measurement by R-synchronized volume loading, and the utility of our method is charac-terized by the prevention of leakage of loading volume to the ventricle and by the variableness of loading volume. Cpv was concluded to be in a state of static compliance, because it indicated the almost constant value to loading volume change. Cpv obtained with our method was 0.146±0. 056 mi.mmHg-1・kg-1, which was almost the same as proposed in previous reports.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.