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間欠的強制換気(intermittent mandatory ventila—tion,IMV)モードとは,自発呼吸の間に人工呼吸器による強制換気を挿入し換気量を維持する様式であり,人工呼吸器からのウィーニング(離脱)の際,調節呼吸から自発呼吸への円滑な移行を目的として広く利用されその有効性が認められてきた1〜3)。しかし,時として患者は呼吸困難を訴えIMVによるウィーニングの進行が困難となる症例に遭遇することがある。またIMVは他の換気様式と比較してウィーニングに要する期間を短縮するとは限らずIMVの有用性を疑問視する意見もある4〜6)。
When the patients breathe spontaneously through the respirators set up intermittent mandatory ven-tilation (IMV) mode, the resistance of their circuits, that is the load of respirators, is to give a load to the patients. But the load of respirators has not been well studied.
We examined the load of respirators during IMV by the work of breathing, and tried to express the load of respirators in the resistance.
The endotracheal tubes were used as a fixed resistance, and the resistance of them was measured. The inspiratory and expiratory resistive work (WORKR) and the total inspiratory work (WORKT) were measured in fourteen normal subjects breathing spontaneously through the endotracheal tubes or the respirators. The respirators examined were the SERVO 900B, the SERVO 900C, the NEWPORT, and the WEANY. The values measured without the endotracheal tube or the respirator were taken as control.
A significant linear correlation was found between the resistance of the endotracheal tubes and the work (WORKR/l, WORKT/l) done by subjects with the endotraction tubes. The work (WORKR/l, WO-RKT/l) with the SERVO 900 B was significantly higher than that with the SERVO 900C, the NEWPO-RT, the WEANY, and control. It was found that each respirator had a different load to the subjects. The load of respirators could be expressed in the resistance from the relation between the resistance of endotracheal tubes and the work which showed a significant linear correlation.

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