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心不全に対する心室負荷軽減療法の1つとしてBuna—zosin hydrochloride (Bunazosinと略す)の急性効果の報告は数少なく1〜3),運動負荷時の血行動態,代謝および交感神経系に及ぼす影響となるといまだ報告はない8〜10)。
Rest and exercise systemic hemodynamic and meta-bolic parameters were assessed before and 2 hrs after the oral administration of 2mg Bunazosin hydrochloride (E-643) in 6 patients with congestive heart failure.
When compared with control, E-643 increased rest and exercise cardiac index by 13% and 15% (p< 0.02), decreased rest and exercise pulmonary capillary wedge pressure by 33% and 39% (p<0.01), rest and exercise mean pulmonary arterial pressure by 35% and 37% (p<0.01). rest and exercise mean right atrial pressure by 56% and 45%) p<0.01), rest systemic vascular resistance index by 21% ) p<0.02), exercise double products by 9% (p<0.05), respectively whereas there was no significant change in rest and exercise heart rate, stroke volume index, renin activity, aldo-sterone, noradrenaline, adrenaline, lactate/pyruvate.
Therefore Bunazosin seemed to be a potent vasodi-lator with both acting as afterload and preload reduction and so to be useful for the treatment of severe heart failure as a deloading agent at rest and during exercise.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.