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Arotinolol hydrochloride (以下Arotinololと略す〉は,膜安定化作用や内因性交感神経刺激作用をほとんど有さず,phentolamineの約1/10程度のα遮断作用を併せもつ新しいα,β遮断薬として開発されたもので,そのβ遮断作用はpropranololの約3〜5倍で,血中濃度の半減期は約7時間と報告されており1,2),高血圧における臨床効果が種々報告されているが3〜5),血漿renin,catecholamine系への影響となると報告が少なく4),まして代謝への影響となるといまだ報告をみない。
The hemodynemic and metabolic effects of Aroti-nolol hydrochloride were evaluated in 16 patients with essential hypertension (7 pt. : monotherapy, 9 pt. : combination with thiazide) after maintenance therapy (10 mg, 2 times a day).
Effects on blood pressure occurred within 2 weeks and persisted significantly for 6 months after admi-nistration in both monotherapy and combination with thiazides but its onset by combination was seen earlier than monotherapy. Heart rate was significantly decreased with combination.
After 4 weeks of maintenance therapy, systolic blood pressure (-15%,<0.01), diastolic blood pre-ssure (-12%,<0.05), double product (-24%, <0.05) and renin activity (-32%, <0.05) were significantly decreased but there was no significant change in heart rate (-11%), LVDd (-2%), LVDs (-7%), EF (+10%), SV (+ 10%), noradrenaline (-37%), adrenaline (-25%), aldosterone (-16%) and lactate/ pyruvate (-2%).
Therefore arotinolol seems to have not only a negative inotropic action but also a potent vasodi-lating action, leading to both afterload and preload reduction, and so to be useful for the treatment of essential hypertension.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.