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A 48-year-old man with exertional and nocturnal chest oppression was admitted to our hospital on September 30, 1983. Blood pressure was 136/88 mmHg, pulse rate was 84 /min and regular on admission. Chest X-ray film was normal. ECG at rest showed left ventricular hypertrophy and tall Pwaves in leads II, III and aVF. ECG after Master two-step test demonstrated marked ST segment depression in leads II, III, aVF and V4~6 Simul-taneously, various arrhythmias, such as sinus brady-cardia, wandering pacemaker, accelerated idioven-tricular rhythm, and Wenckebach like blocks were observed. Ambulatory ECG (CM-5 lead) revealed transient ST segment elevations with chest oppres-sion at 2 : 04 A.M., 5 : 01 A.M. respectively.
These findings suggested a diagnosis of ischemicheart disease. But coronary angiography was normal and endocrinological examination revealed high concentrations of plasma and urinary epinephrine (0.55ng ml, 1420μg/day. respectively (. Rt-adrenal pheochromocytoma (6×6×5cm) was detected by an abdominal C.T. scan, and 1 weeks later an operation was performed safely. It was considered that epinephrine discharged from the tumor induced a variant form of angina by the stimulation of α-receptors in coronary arteries.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.