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血管平滑筋における内皮由来血管収縮因子(EDCF)および内皮由来血管弛緩因子(EDRF)の関与の程度をSHR,WKYの胸部大動脈輪状標本を用い調べ,さらに,EDCFの本体を追求した。①SHRとWKY群間のEDRF産生の程度には差はなく,SHRではWKYに比べEDCFの産生亢進がみられることが示唆された。②EDCFの産生は,TXA2 inhibitorでは抑制を受けず,TXA2/PGH2 antagonistによって抑制されることを初めて見いだした。③Acetylcholine刺激時にはPGI2,PGE2の産生増加がみられ,PGF2α,TXA2の増加はみられなかった。④外因性PGH2,TXA2,PGF2αはSHRの大動脈を低濃度より収縮させた。⑤産生されたPG濃度と薬理作用を発現させる濃度を比較し,precursorであるPGH2がEDCFの本体であることを示唆した。
The present experiment was performed to identify endothelium-derived contracting factor produced by acetylcholine stimulation in the aorta of spontaneo-usly hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wi-star-Kyoto rats (WKY). The rings of the thoracic aorta were obtained from age-matched SHR and WKY, and changes in isometric tension were record-ed. The relaxant responses to acetylcholine in the rings from SHR were significantly weaker than those obtained in WKY. The relaxant responses to acety-lcholine were significantly enhanced by pretreatment with a cyclooxygenase-inhibitor (indomethacin) or thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor antagon-ist (ONO-3708) both in the SHR and WKY rings. A thromboxane A2 synthetase inhibitor (OKY-046) did not affect the acetylcholine-induced relaxation in therings from SHR or WKY. In the organ bath solu-tion, following acetylcholine stimulation, prostaglan-din E2 and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α, concentrations increased, but prostaglandin F2α and thromboxane B2 concentrations did not increase. Exogenous prosta-glandin H2, a stable analogue of thromboxane A2 (STA2) and prostaglandin F2α induced contractions of the SHR rings at a lower concentration than pro-staglandin E2, prostaglandin D2 and prostaglandin I2. These contractile responses to various prostaglandins were markedly inhibited by pretreatment with ONO-3708. A prostacyclin synthetase inhibitor did not af-fect the relaxant responses to acetylcholine in the SHR rings.
These results show that endothelium-derived con-tracting factor is produced and released by acetylcho-line stimulation not only in the aorta of SHR but also in that of WKY. The results also suggest that pro-staglandin H2, a precursor of the released prostaglan-dins, is a strong candidate for endothelium-derived contracting factor produced by acetylcholine stimula-tion.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.