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今回われわれは,うっ血型心筋症として経過観察中に急性心筋梗塞を合併してpump failureに陥った1例を経験したので,本症と虚血性心疾患との鑑別に関しての考察を加えて報告する。
A 44-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with anterior chest pain in July, 1979. He had been treated as idiopathic congestive cardiomyopathy for three years before this attack. On this admis-sion he complained of chest pain and dyspnea and fell in pump failure. ECG revealed elevation of ST segments in V2-V6 and serum GOT, CPK and CPK-MB elevated significantly. From these clinical findings we diagnosed acute myocardial infarction occurred.
Pump failure was improved by dopamine and Glucose-Insulin-Potassium solution in two weeks. Nevertheless after three months pump failure prog-ressed again and led him to death afterall.
Autopsy was done. All four chambers of the heart were markedly dilated. There were three non-trans-mural scarrings at left ventricle and ventricular sep-tum. The major coronary arteries were normal. Histological examination showed diffuse degenera-tion of myocardium of all four chambers. Such case has been rarely reported that acute myocardial infarction was clinically and pathologically diagnos-ed in idiopathic congestive cardiomyopathy.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.