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肺浮腫発生の原因として,肺血管床壁における体液および蛋白透過性の亢進が見られるpermeability pulmonary edemaといわれるものと,肺血管壁内外の圧較差が増加することにより生ずるhemodynamic pulmonary edemaの二種類があり,肺浮腫時の肺組織間液の蛋白濃度に差があることが知られている4)。
We studied steady state transvascular exchange of fluid and protein after pulmonary arterial embolism. In anesthetized sheep, ventilated with positive pressure, we measured pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures, cardiac output, lung lymph flow, protein concentration of lymph andplasma, lymph/plasma protein concentration ratio. We calculated pulmonary vascular resistance and permeability coefficient in pulmonary vascular wall. In 8 sheep, we obstructed the pulmonary arteries with mineral oil droplet emboli (mean diameter of 200 μ) or lobar arteries with balloons untill pulmonary vascular resistance reached to 2-3 times baseline. In every experiment, lung lymph flow increased as pulmonary arterial pressure increased. The lymph/plasma protein ratio did not change and fluid permeability coefficient increased 1.5-2 times base line value. In four sheep, we increased left atrial pressure by balloonobstruction of mitral orifice. Pulmonary arterial pressure increased as much as in the embolization experiments and lymph flow increased but lymph/plasma protein ratio decreased and fluid permeability coefficient did not change. We concluded that the increased fluid and protein flux after embolization cannot be due to high pulmonary arterial or pulmonary venous outlet pressures alone and pulmonary arterial obstruction induced fluid and protein permeability enhancement.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.