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従来ウィルス性心筋炎に伴う高アミラーゼ血症の報告はあるが充分な検討はなされていない。今回われわれは,急性膵炎の合併を示唆するAmylase creatinine clearance ratio (ACCR)の上昇を認めたウィルス性心筋炎と思われる2例を経験した。それに加えて,発症より2週以上も継続する完全房室ブロックに対し,perma—nent pace-maker植え込みを施行し救命しえたのでその臨床像を中心に報告する。
Two cases of probably viral myocarditis were reported who showed clinical laboratory signs of hepatitis & pancreatitis together with elevation of Amylase Creatinine Clearance Ratio (ACCR).
Case 1. M. K., a 64 year old woman, wasadmitted to CCU, on June 27, 1978 in state of severe ill accompanied with Adames-Stokes attack. Laboratory data revealed marked ele-vation of SGOT, SGPT, SLDH, CPK and serum amylase (p-type). ACCR showed decrease from 5.8% to 4.3% in accordance with clinical im-provement. Permanent pace maker was implanted because of conduction disturbance which remained to continue.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.