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三尖弁閉鎖不全症(以下TR)は,多くは左心系の疾患や著明な右心負荷に伴って生じてくるものであり,三尖弁単独に閉鎖不全を生じる孤立性三尖弁閉鎖不全症(以下isolated TR)は非常に稀とされている。我々は10歳時に敗血症に罹患後,心拡大と心雑音を指摘され,以後外来にて20年間経過観察されていたisolatcd TRの1例に対し,三尖弁置換術を施行し比較的良好な結果を得たので,治療上の問題点を中心に報告する。
We have reported a case of isolated tricuspid regurgitation due to infective endocarditis. Tricus-pid valve replacement by Ionescu-Shiley valve and plication of right atrium were performed on Sep-tember 22, 1982. The patient suffered long con-tinued congestive heart failure and repeated ven-tricular tachycardia on postoperative course. Though, the operation should be performed before severe ventricular dysrhythmia, biventricular dysfunction and lesions of another organs (ex. congestive liver, hyperspienism) developed. It was necessary that we attended to the appearance of postoperative mitral regurgitation owing to tricuspid annuloplasty in case of extremely enlarged right ventricle and atrium.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.