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Wegener肉芽腫症は,1936年のWegenerの報告以来,独立疾患として扱われるようになり,報告例も200例に近く,種々の臨床的病態もあきらかになっている。以前は致死的であったこの疾患も,最近はCytotoxic agentsの使用で,長期生存例が報告されるようになった。
A case of Wegener's Granulomatosis is pre-sented. Airway management and the care ofrespiratory failure which is often the cause of the fatal outcome of the disease are described.
(1) The mucosal lining of larynx and trachea may be lost and replaced by necrotizing granulo-matous tissue. Therefore inability of excretion of secretions and laryngeal obstruction often occur. Enough humidification to the airway, frequent tracheal suctioning with wide bore catheter and postural drainage are essential for the management of airway.

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