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人体の熱遮断力はLefevre16),Burton4)5),Bazett2)6),HardyおよびDuBois11)12)13)らによって研究され,その後,水中における人体の熱遮断力の測定が,Pugh22),Carlson8),Cannon7)およびKeatinge15),RennieおよびSong24),Craig9)らによって報告されている17)。これらはいずれも生体における熱交換をsteady stateか,それに近い状態において測定したものである。著者は本研究において,生体を水中に浸した場合の生体の反応をnon-steady stateにおいて,体温ならびにガス代謝およびそれにもとついて算出した熱遮断力,その他の指標にもとづいて評価することを試みた。このように生体を水に浸した直後からのsteady stateでない条件下での測定値の処理にあたって,steady stateにおいては考慮されなくてもよい,いくつかの問題が残されている。著者はこの点に関しても,とくに注意をはらって研究を行なった。
Eight Japanese healthy male adults were immersed in the temperature-regulated water bath at 28℃. Measurements were made on the rectal temerature and the skin temprature, oxygen consumption, ventilation, respiratory rate to calculate the heat debt, thermal circ-ulation index and thermal insulation. Obser-vation was done on the shivering. Upon the observation the minor tremor appeared in 35-95 minutes and generalized shivering in 55-120 minutes after the water immersion. The rectal temperature lowered gradually and its decre-ase was somehow related to the skin-fold thi-ckness.
The mean skin temperature decreased rap-idly near to water temperature, but there remained a little difference between the skin-and the water temperature. In the thin sub-jects their skin temprature was a little higher than arm and leg skin tempeature.
The oxygn consumption, ventilation and respiratory rate revealed significant increase when the shivering occurred. In the initial period of cold exposure the heat debt was greatest and this was reduced during water immersion. The thermal circulation index dec-reased rapidly in 15-25 minutes to a constant low values.
The thermal insulation was elevated in 15-25 minutes up to the maxium value. The obese subjects showed any higher maximal thermal insulation than the thin. The maximum the-rmal insulation calculated by the Burton's equ-ation was related to the skin-fold thickness.
Visible shivering was always accompanied by reduction in thermal insulation. The eleva-tion in thermal insulation was assumed to he related to the peripheral vasoconstriction and the decrease in thermal insulation was concl-uded to be possibly due to the increased mu-scle oxygen consumption as well as to the blood purfusion in it.

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