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1942年Davies and Brink1)がPolarograph法をはじめて動物に応用し,動物組織の酸素分圧を測定して以来,生理学あるいは生化学の分野において,open tip electrodeおよびrecessed electrodeによる酸素分圧の測定が広くおこなわれてきたが,その後これらの電極には実際に酸素分圧の測定にあたつて多くの欠点があることが判明してきた。すなわちopen tip elctrodeは電極の白金面が直接組織に露出しているため測定電流の読みが白金表面における汚染,aging現象などによつて変化し,かつ,検体の酸素拡散係数によつて大きく左右されるので,拡散係数未知である生体組織の酸素分圧の絶対値の測定は理論上不可能であり,recessed electrodeは白金先端を電極端よりやや後退せしめ,検体との間に寒天を充填した電極であるが,response timeが遅く,刻々変化する生体の動きをとらえることはできなかつた。白金面のaging現象を防ぐためにDrenck—hahn2)はcollodionを,Morgan3)4)はsiliconeを電極の白金面に塗布し,望月氏5)6)は交流ポーラログラフ法を利用し,一定の正負の電圧を電極に交互に加えて白金面を常に新鮮に保とうと試みたが,ただ単に酸素分圧の相対的な変化を知るにとどまつた。
The PO2 electrode which we have constructed is composed of a fine platinum cathode sealed into a glass tubing, a silver-silver chloride anode and a glass sheath. The measuring surface is covered with polyethylene membrane within which a droplet of saline solution is trapped. The most appropriate combination of fineness of the platinum cathode with thickness of the polyethylene membrane has been found to be essential for the measurement of absol-ute oxygen tension.
The platinum cathode is fine enough to reduce oxygen consumption of the electrode. As no stirring effect is observed during measurement of PO2 in solution oxygen concentration gradient is assumed to be confined to the reacting space.
We have described that the electrode is easily and rapidly calibrated by gas at known oxygen tension, and is stable, reproducible, furthermore applicable to both blood and tis-sue for continuous recording of absolute oxygen tension.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.