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In order to clarify the conditions of pulmo—nary circulation after pulmonary resectionfor the treatment of diseases of the lung,the authors have established a concept thatchanges of the pulrnonary circulation can beunderstood by observations of ventilation,perfusion, diffusion and interrelationshiparnong these 3 factors. From the standpointof this concept, the authors have investigatedthe pulmonary circulation before, during andafter pulmonary resection. The results ob—tained are as follows:
1) During Pullnonary resection, pulmollarycirculation is greatly disturbed in all respectsof ventilation, perfusion and diffusion.
2) After operation, ventilation of the lungincreased rapidly and impairment of ventila—tion which was seen before operation, isimproved.
3) Pulrnonary perfusion is improved aftersegmental resection and lobectomy, wllileafter pneumonectomy disturbance of perfusionremains even after longer period postopera—tively.
4) Diffusion of alveolar oxygen shows theeverlasting disturbance of diffusion afterpulmonary segmental resection and lobectomy.
On the other hand, after pneumonectomy thedisturbance of diffusion caused by pulmonarylesion before operation, is markedly ilnproved.
5) After segmental resection and lobec—tomy, the cases showing insufficient reex—pansion of the remained lung result jn severedisturbance of pulmonary circulation in everyrespect of ventilation, perfusion and diffusion.
6) In short, it is able to expect that thepulmonary circulation after pulmonary resec—tion surpasses the condition before operation,provided that prudent postoperative carewould be performed.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.