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1)The irnpairment of the pulmonary diffusing capacity in cases with chronic pulmonary emphysema was studied in connection with their gas distribution curve and with their Oxirneter rate.
2)The modified Filley's steady state method was done at the two different Ievels ofthe inhaled carbon monoxide concentrations of 800PPM and of 1500PPM.
3)The routine procedures for assessing the pulrnonary functions, such as the ventilatory functions, the intrapulrnonary distribution of inspired gas, and the oximeter rate, were done after finishing the measurements of thepulmonary diffusing capacity.
4)33 cases with chronic pulmonary emphysema were tested.
5)D800CO and D1500CO had shown fairly well coincidence. D1500CO in 33 cases was ranged between 1.2cc/min./mmHg/m2 and 8.Occ/min./mmHg/m2. The fractional carbon monoxide uptake ranged between 12.2% and 42.2%.
6)The functional residual capacity andthe pulmonary diffusing capacity showed somewhat reverse correlation.
7)The significant depression of the pulmonary diffusing capacity was observed in cases with abnormally smaller distributionindicis (observed).
8)Any linear correlation between distribution indicis in slow spaces and pulmonary diffusing capacity could not be found. Emphysematous cases with relatively Iarger D.I. ss exceeding O.12 were accompanied by depressed pulmonary diffusing capacity. The pulmonary diffusing capacity was depressed in emphysematous patiellts with larger ΔN2.
9)In cases with chronic pulmonary emphysema any correlation between the pulmonary diffusing capacity and DIXST couldnot be found.
10)The effect of bronchodilator on thepulmonary diffusing capacity was discussed.
11)Evidence of the overinflation of thelungs, of the impaired uneven alveolar ventilation, and of the poor intraalveolar gas mixing were recognized as well as the specific properties of the alveolar membrane to cause the depression of the pulmonary diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.