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CO pulmonary diffusing capacity by the breath holding technique and hemodynamics by right heart catheterization were perform—ed in 26 cases with various heart diseases and the clinical significance of the determination of DLco and the relationship between the pul—monary diffusing capacity and hemodynamics were discussed.
Diffusing capacity of the pulmonary mem—brane (DM) and the pulmonary capillary blood volume (Vc) were also measured for selected cases and its clinical significance was discussed.
1) An increase of DLco and Vc was found in case with intracardial septal defect when the pulmonary blood flow is increased by the left to right shunt.
2) A tendency of decrease of DLco was found in case with pulmonic stenosis as pul—monary blood flow is decreased.
3) Patient with increased pulmonary blood flow in patent ductus arteriosus tends to have an increase of DLco, however, the grade of increase was slight compared with intracard—iac septal defect.
4) DLco showed the significant variation according to the stage of disease in mitral stenosis.
5) Significant positive correlation was ob—tained among DLco, pulmonary blood flow and an amount of left to right shunts, and no significant correlation was obtained among DLco, pulmonary arterial pressure and total pulmonary resistance in heart diseases.
6) As not only the diagnosis of the increase and decrease of the pulmonary blood flow and the existence of the left to right shunt could be presumed but also the diagnosis of intra—cardiac septal defect the stage of mitral steno—sis and the grade or stage of heart disease could be made, the measurement of DLco, DM and Vc are quite important method as clinical test.

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