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血液脳関門(Blood-Brain Barrier, B-B—B)の本態に関しては,未だ充分に解明せられていないが,老人の脳循環に関する数多のN2O法,或いは病理学的成績からみて,老人のB-B—Bは青年のそれと異なることが推測される。
Studies on the blood-brain barrier (B-B-B) in the normal old age. The relationship between blood-brain barrier (B-B-B) and cerebral oxygen intake (CERO2), blood pressure, cerebrospinalfuid pressure was investigated in the normal old age by uranin method. No correlation was found between B-B-B and CERO2, blood pressure but significant correlation was found between B-B-B and cerebrospinal fluid pressure. From this results B-B-B does not appear to be a measure of the intensity of cerebral arteriosclerosis. Abnormal valure of B-B-B was found in about 1/3 of the normal old age in this studies. One person suffered from shock accidentally in this studies, and various ill effect of uranin was mentioned.
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