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要旨 患者は53歳,女性.2007年6月,39℃の発熱と全身関節痛を主訴に当院を受診した.胸部X線写真上両下肺野の浸潤影を指摘され,精査・加療目的に入院となった.左膝に熱感を伴う腫脹と発赤,左足背から足踝にかけての腫脹を認めた.胸部痛も伴った.入院時肺雑音は聴取されず,全収縮期心雑音(Levine III)を認めた.マイコプラズマ抗体が陽性であったため,モキシフロキサシン投与を開始したが,関節痛が増強したため,薬剤性関節炎を疑いアジスロマイシンに変更した.しかし,陰影・関節症状ともに改善なく,胸部痛の増悪,胸水の貯留を認めた.ミノサイクリン,パズフロキサシン投与に変更し,改善を認め,第21病日に退院となった.
A 53-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with pyrexia and polyarthralgia. Chest X-ray showed infilitration at the bilateral lower lung field. The patient had polyarthralgia, left chest pain and pansystolic heart murmur (Levine III). As the anti-Mycoplasma antibody was positive, the therapy of moxifloxacin was started for Mycoplasma pneumonia. Afterwards, arthralgia worsened and we suspected drug-induced arthralgia, so we changed the medication to azithromycin. However, shadows on chest X-ray and arthralgia were not improved. Chest pain and pleural effusions were worsening. After changing the medication again to minocycline and pazufloxacin, pneumonia was improved and she was discharged.
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