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要旨●非乳頭部十二指腸粘膜下層浸潤癌(SM癌)の臨床病理学的特徴および治療方針を明らかにするため,自験の非乳頭部十二指腸癌188病変(粘膜内癌:M癌173病変,SM癌15病変)を対象として検討を行った.SM癌はM癌と比較すると,部位が主乳頭口側(SM癌86.7% vs. M癌49.1%),色調が発赤調(SM癌80.0% vs. M癌53.2%),肉眼型が複合型(0-IIa+IIc,0-IIa+I)(SM癌53.3% vs. M癌6.9%)を示す病変が有意に多く,病理組織学的には,低分化(SM癌26.7% vs. M癌0%),脈管侵襲陽性(SM癌46.7% vs. M癌0%)が有意に多かった.SM癌は胃型形質マーカー(MUC5AC/MUC6)陽性となる病変が多く,形質発現は胃型形質か胃腸混合型形質を示すことが特徴的であった.リンパ節転移の評価が可能であったSM癌14病変中6病変(42.9%)がリンパ節転移陽性と高率であったことから,SM癌に対してはリンパ節郭清を伴う外科的切除が推奨される.
This study aimed to clarify clinicopathological features and treatment strategies for submucosal invasive NADAC(non-ampullary duodenal adenocarcinoma). We retrospectively reviewed 188 lesions with superficial NADAC treated at our institution ; of these, 173 had intramucosal(M-)and 15 had submucosal(SM-)NADAC. On comparing the endoscopic features, tumor location proximal to the papilla(SM:86.7% vs. M:49.1%), reddish color lesions(SM:80% vs. 53.2%), and mixed macroscopic type(0-IIa+IIc or 0-IIa+I)(SM:53.3% vs. M:6.9%)were found to be significantly more frequent in SM-NADAC than in M-NADAC. Regarding histopathological features, poorly differentiated tumor(26.7% vs. 0%)and presence of lymphovascular invasion(46.7% vs. 0%)were significantly more frequent in SM-NADAC than in M-NADAC. Almost all SM-NADAC lesions showed expression of gastric phenotypic markers(MUC5AC and/or MUC6), and the tumor immunophenotype was classified into gastric or mixed phenotype(expression of both gastric and intestinal markers). Six of 14 patients with SM-NADAC developed lymph node metastasis(lymph node metastasis rate:42.9%). Thus, surgical treatment with regional lymph node dissection is recommended as a treatment strategy for SM-NADAC.

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