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要旨●簇出は,大腸癌浸潤先進部における4個以下の癌細胞から構成される小型癌胞巣による間質浸潤所見と定義される.HE染色標本で評価し,対物20倍視野1か所あたりの簇出巣数でGrade 1〜3(BD1〜3)に分類され,大腸T1癌においてはGrade 2,3(BD2,3)がリンパ節転移リスクとされる.炎症細胞浸潤や間質反応が高度である場合に簇出巣の認識が困難になることがあり,その場合,サイトケラチンなどの免疫染色が簇出巣の認識に有用だが,免疫染色による評価を実施する際は,リンパ節転移危険因子としてのgradingの意義を再検討する必要がある.低分化胞巣は簇出巣よりも大型の癌巣と定義され所見上の重複はないが,しばしば共存する.近年,簇出Grade 1(BD1)を,簇出巣が全く認められない群と少量認められる群とに亜分類する試みがなされ,前者の転移リスクが極めて低いことが示されている.
TB(tumor budding)is a single cancer cell or small clusters of four or fewer cancer cells observed histologically at the invasive front of colorectal cancer. TB is evaluated from slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin and graded as Grades 1(BD1), 2(BD2), and 3(BD3)according to the number of TB foci in one field of 20× objective lens. T1 colorectal cancer with BD2 or BD3 is a high-risk tumor for lymph node metastasis. Regarding prominent inflammation or desmoplastic reaction, TB foci are occasionally difficult to identify. Nonetheless, they can be detected by immunohistochemistry using cytokeratin, although the cutoff value of TB requires re-evaluation. In contrast, a cancer cell nest comprising five or more cancer cells without tubular components indicates a PDC(poorly differentiated cluster). Although TB and PDC are mutually independent histological findings, they frequently coexist in the tumor. TB Grade 1(BD1)was recently subclassified into a tumor without TB and a tumor with one to four TB foci, and the former shows an extremely low risk for lymph node metastasis.

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