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要旨●自己免疫性胃炎(autoimmune gastritis ; AIG)の胃X線造影像に関して多施設後ろ向き研究を実施した.対象は2000年1月〜2018年9月末に胃X線造影検査を受けていたAIG患者とした.診断は内視鏡所見または病理組織学的な胃体部萎縮と自己抗体陽性を必須とした.患者は22例(女性18例,男性4例),平均年齢は61.7歳であった.AIG初期症例では胃底腺領域は顆粒様粗糙型の胃粘膜所見を呈していた.萎縮進行21例では,全例でサメ肌様,平滑に近い中間型またはすりガラス様粘膜像を呈し,18例で胃体部ひだが消失していた.H. pylori感染とAIGのX線造影所見に関係はなかった.AIGの50%にポリープまたは隆起性病変を合併していた.
We conducted a retrospective multicenter study on barium X-ray findings in AIG(autoimmune gastritis). AIG patients who had undergone double-contrast X-ray fluorography with barium and carbon dioxide between January 2000 and September 2018 were included. Diagnosis of AIG was made based on corpus atrophy and presence of autoimmune serum antibodies. Twenty-two patients were found(18 female ; four male ; mean age, 61.7 y). In a case with ongoing corpus atrophy, the mucosa showed a granular-rough texture. In 21 cases with progressed corpus atrophy, the mucosa showed fish-skin-like, smooth-intermediate, or ground glass appearance and in 18 cases the mucosa diminished corpus folds. Half of the subjects had polyps or protruding lesions in the stomach. There was no obvious correlation found between Helicobacter pylori infection and X-ray findings of AIG.

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