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要旨●これまでA型胃炎は,本邦では悪性貧血やこれに伴う神経内分泌腫瘍(NET)が少ないことから,欧米に比較してその頻度は低いと考えられてきた.しかしながら,近年,胃内視鏡検診を中心にA型胃炎と診断される症例が増加している.本研究では,当施設などで診断されたA型胃炎の臨床的特徴と血清学的所見の検討を行った.なお,A型胃炎の定義は,上部消化管内視鏡検査による逆萎縮を必須とし,抗胃壁細胞抗体あるいは抗内因子抗体が陽性を示す,またはECL過形成あるいはECMを認める症例とした.A型胃炎と診断された47例の性別は男性20例,女性27例,年齢分布は36〜89(平均年齢67.4)歳であった.悪性貧血は7例(14.9%),自己免疫性疾患は8例(17.0%)に認められ,その内訳は慢性甲状腺炎5例,Basedow病3例および1型糖尿病1例(重複あり)であった.胃腫瘍の合併は胃NET 6例および胃癌6例(12.8%,早期癌5例・進行癌1例)であった.抗胃壁細胞抗体は41例中36例(87.8%)が陽性,抗内因子抗体は29例中12例(41.4%)が陽性であり,ECMの出現率は71.0%(22/31)であった.血清ガストリン値は平均値2,930.0±1,849.8pg/ml,血清PG I値は平均値6.6±4.1ng/mlであり,H. pylori感染率は8.9%(4/45)であった.
Type A gastritis is currently considered an uncommon disease in Japan because PA(pernicious anemia)and gastric type I NET are less frequent in Japan compared to western countries. Recently, diagnoses of type A gastritis by endoscopic gastric cancer examinations are increasing. Our study aims to elucidate the clinical characteristics of patients with type A gastritis from our institute. Type A gastritis was defined by reversed gastric mucosal atrophy observed during endoscopy and the presence of anti-parietal cell, anti-intrinsic factor antibodies, enterochromaffin-like hyperplasia, or ECM(endocrine cell micronests).
Forty-seven patients(20 men, 27 females ; mean age 64.4 years, range 3-89 years)were diagnosed with type A gastritis in this study. PA was present in seven patients(14.9%), and eight patients(17.0%)had autoimmune disease(five chronic thyroiditis, three Graves' disease, and one type I diabetes mellitus, including duplication). Six patients were diagnosed with Gastric NET, and six were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma(12.8%)(five early stage and one advanced). Thirty-six patients(87.8%, 36/41)were positive for anti-parietal cell antibodies, and 12 patients(41.4%, 12/29)were positive for anti-intrinsic factor antibodies. ECM of corpus mucosa was detected in 22 patients(71.0%, 22/31). The mean serum gastrin level was 2,930.0±1,849.8pg/mL and the mean PG I level was 6.6±4.1ng/mL. Four patients(8.9%, 4/45)were positive for Helicobacter pylori infection.

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