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Recent Advances in AI Diagnosis in the Field of Esophagus Cancer:Current Study of the Cancer Detection and Future Applications of Magnifying Endoscopy Toshiyuki Yoshio 1,2 , Yoshimasa Horie 1 , Kazuharu Aoyama 3 , Syouichi Yoshimizu 1 , Yusuke Horiuchi 1 , Akiyoshi Ishiyama 1 , Toshiaki Hirasawa 1,2 , Tomohiro Tsuchida 1 , Junko Fujisaki 1 , Tomohiro Tada 2,3 1Department of Gastroenterology, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Tokyo 2Tada Tomohiro Institute of Gastroenterology and Proctology, Saitama, Japan 3AI Medical Service inc., Tokyo Keyword: 食道癌 , 人工知能 , ディープラーニング , 拾い上げ診断 pp.385-391
Published Date 2019/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403201608
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 When esophageal cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage, its prognosis is poor. Therefore, early detection is of great importance. In recent years, AI(artificial intelligence)using deep learning has made remarkable progress in various medical fields. Here, we demonstrated the diagnostic ability of AI to detect esophageal cancer. We developed an AI diagnostic system trained with 8428 endoscopic images of esophageal cancer and validated the system using independently prepared 1118 endoscopic images. The AI diagnostic system correctly detected esophageal cancer cases with a sensitivity of 98%. The AI was able to detect all 7 small cancers less than 10mm in size. Also, the AI was able to distinguish superficial esophageal cancer from advanced cancer with an accuracy of 98%. Although false positives are a limitation to this study, future work will improve our knowledge in magnifying endoscopic images. Our results suggest that an AI-based diagnostic system is feasible for applied clinical practice in the near future.

Copyright © 2019, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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