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要旨 近年,新しいautofluorescence imaging(AFI)システムが開発され,消化器領域に応用されるようになってきた.AFIを用いると正常の大腸は強い自家蛍光が検出されるため鮮明な緑色として捉えられるが,腫瘍や炎症などは自家蛍光が減弱するため暗紫色として捉えられる.われわれは便宜上,AFIで捉えられる病変の色調を自家蛍光の強い順にG(green)からGP(green/purple),PG(purple/green),P(purple)の4段階に分類し,評価を行った.大腸腫瘍では過形成性ポリープはGからGPを呈するのに対し,腺腫や癌はPGからPを呈し,病変の質的鑑別が可能であった.しかし腺腫,早期癌,進行癌の鑑別は困難であった.潰瘍性大腸炎では病理学的活動性が高いとPまたはPGを呈し,活動性が低いとGまたはGPを呈する傾向にあり,また数値化を行うことによって,より客観的に評価できると考えられた.
Autofluorescence Imaging (AFI) is a novel procedure to detect autofluorescence emitted from intestinal tissues and apply the alterations of the fluorescence intensity to diagnose intestinal disorders. Disease activity of ulcerative colitis could be assessed with AFI according to our classification (G; green, GP; green with purple spots, PG; purple with green spots, P; purple) and was inversely proportional to fluorescence/reflex ratio calculated with software for measuring the luminous intensity. AFI could predict UC activity as 90% when the cut-off fluorescence/reflex ratio was supposed as 0.9. Whereas AFI easily detected colon neoplasms as a purple area, the intensity of auto-fluorescence emitted from adenomas revealed no difference compared with that from cancers even in the advanced stage, indicating little significance of AFI for diagnosing the grade of dysplasia or the invasion depth of cancer. AFI appears to contribute to the evaluation of UC activity and detection of colon neoplasms.

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