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要旨●胃底腺型胃癌25例,27病変の臨床像と内視鏡像を検討した.性別は男性16例で,年齢は44歳〜84歳,平均65歳であった.H. pylori感染は58.3%で陰性で,病変発生部位は全例背景粘膜に萎縮のないU,M領域であった.肉眼型は0-IIa型が12病変,0-IIb型が9病変,0-IIc型が4病変であった.粘膜切除標本による病変径は1〜20mm,平均5.6mmと小病変が多かった.内視鏡的所見の特徴としては,白色調で表層血管の増生拡張が目立つ例が多く,健常表層粘膜の直下に腫瘍が存在する上皮下腫瘍と呼ぶべき形態を呈していた.
We evaluated the clinical and endoscopic features of GA-FG(gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic gland type)that were observed at our hospital. Among 25 cases(27 lesions), 16 were male, and the mean age was 65 years. Helicobacter pylori infection was negative in 14 of the 24(58.3%)cases evaluated. Although 16 cases were judged to have atrophic gastritis, none of these cases demonstrated atrophic changes in the background mucosa of the tumor. Macroscopic endoscopic features of the tumor included 12 elevated type(0-IIa), nine flat type(0-IIb), and four depressed type(0-IIc)lesions. The characteristic endoscopic findings of GA-FG were a whitish color, dilated tumor surface vessels, and subepithelial tumor-like findings.

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