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要旨 患者は80歳代,女性.近医にて貧血の精査目的で受診した上部消化管内視鏡検査で,胃体中部小彎に10mm大の立ち上がり明瞭で扁平な隆起性病変を認めた.インジゴカルミン色素撒布観察では,表面に不整な陥凹や潰瘍形成を認めなかった.NBI併用拡大内視鏡観察では,拡張した血管の末梢で細かいnetworkを形成した異常血管を認めた.また,胃体部優位の胃粘膜萎縮を認め,抗胃壁細胞抗体と抗内因子抗体が陽性であった.以上から,I型カルチノイドと診断した.超音波内視鏡検査で,腫瘤は第2層に限局しており,ESDを施行した.クロモグラニンA陽性の腫瘍細胞は,粘膜内に限局して横方向に伸展し,脈管侵襲を認めず,断端陰性であった.非典型的な形態のI型カルチノイドに対して,詳細な内視鏡観察の後にESDを施行した症例を経験したので報告する.
A woman in her 80s with gastric tumor found at previous institution came to our institution. Gastroscopy revealed a slight elevated lesion with clear margin of 10mm in diameter located in the lesser curvature of the middle-third of the stomach and severe corpus-limited atrophy. Chromoendoscopy detected no irregular depression and ulceration on the lesion. Magnifying endoscopy with NBI revealed fine network of abnormal vessels. The serum anti-parietal cell antibody and anti-intrinsic factor antibody was positive. Endoscopic submucosal dissection was performed for the type I carcinoid with atypical shape. Histological examination showed that Chromogranin A-positive carcinoid cells extended in a horizontal direction limited in the mucosa without lymphatic and vascular invasion, and vertical and horizontal margin were negative.

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