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要旨 Helicobacter pylori(Hp)感染歴が全くないと考えられる状態を未感染と定義すると,Hp未感染例に発生する胃癌,すなわちHp未感染胃癌は,今後Hp感染率の低下に伴って相対的に増加するものと予想される.したがって,特に胃癌検診に従事する消化器医は,その頻度や特徴についてよく理解しておく必要がある.筆者らの検討では,Hp未感染胃癌の頻度は全胃癌822例中6例(0.7%)とまれであったが,時代的変遷からみると,III期(2001~2005年)に1例(0.7%),IV期(2006~2010年)に5例(3.1%)認められており,近年において増加傾向を示していた.Hp未感染胃癌の内視鏡像は,胃角部から胃前庭部にかけての胃底腺領域内に,境界明瞭な淡い0-IIb型の褪色病変として認識されることが多い.Hp未感染例であっても油断せずにスクリーニングをすれば,その発見は比較的容易であり,極細径内視鏡でも発見は十分に可能と考えられた.今後は同病変の自然経過についての研究も必要と思われる.
As the Helicobacter pylori(Hp)infection rate decreases, gastric cancer patients with no history of Helicobacter pylori infection “(i.e., Hp-uninfected gastric cancer)”may show a relative increase in incidence. Gastroenterologists, particularly those involved in gastric cancer screening, are therefore required to have adequate knowledge about the frequency and features of Hp-uninfected gastric cancer. In our study, the frequency of Hp-uninfected gastric cancer was quite low, accounting for 6(0.7%)of all patients with gastric cancer encountered at our facility(n=822). When analyzed historically, the frequency has recently increased, with 1 patient(0.7%)recorded during Period III(2001-2005)and 5(3.1%)recorded during Period IV(2006-2010). Endoscopically, Hp-uninfected gastric cancer is often visualized as a well-demarcated color-faded dim lesion(type 0-IIb)within the fundic gland region. Its detection is relatively easy if screening is performed carefully, even in patients without Hp infection. An ultra-small diameter endoscope is also a useful tool for detecting lesions in Hp-uninfected gastric cancer. It is also necessary to study the natural course of these Hp-uninfected gastric lesions.

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