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胃MALTリンパ腫の病態は,H. pylori除菌療法の反応性とAPI2-MALT1融合遺伝子の有無から,responderでAPI2-MALT1陰性のA群,non-responderでAPI2-MALT1陰性のB群,non-responderでAPI2-MALT1陽性のC群の3群に分類される.内視鏡所見は多彩であるが,各群の特徴は,A群:びらん,早期胃癌類似など表層性変化,B群:粘膜下腫瘤様隆起,C群:cobble stone粘膜である.NBI併用拡大内視鏡検査の特徴的な所見は,腺管構造が消失,破壊された領域に異常血管を認めることである.胃癌との鑑別では,明瞭なdemarcation lineを有さないこと,個々の血管の大小不同や口径不同を有さないことが重要である.微細構造や微細血管の変化に着目し,狙撃生検を行うことが正確な診断を行ううえで重要である.
We previously proposed that gastric MALT(mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue)lymphoma should be classified into three groups on the basis of the responsiveness to eradication treatment and presence or absence of API2-MALT1 as follows : group A, responders without API2-MALT1 ; group B, non-responders without API2-MALT1 ; and group C, non-responders with API2-MALT1. Although endoscopic appearances of gastric MALT lymphoma differ, macroscopic and endoscopic findings of each group can be summarized as follows : group A involves erosion and an early gastric cancer-like appearance, group B is characterized by a protruding lesion, and group C is characterized by mucosa with a cobblestone appearance. Characteristics of magnified endoscopic images with narrow band imaging are nonstructural areas without gastric glands and abnormal vessels with irregularity. It is important to perform a target biopsy of the lesion with magnified endoscopic imaging for precise diagnosis of gastric MALT lymphoma.

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