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要旨 当科で診断した胃MALTリンパ腫98例の内視鏡所見を検討した.胃MALTリンパ腫の内視鏡所見は,早期胃癌(IIc)類似型,胃炎類似型,隆起型の3群に大別できた.早期胃癌類似型と早期胃癌の鑑別のポイントは① 正常粘膜との境界が不明瞭,② 蚕食像がないか,あってもごく一部,③ 陥凹内に粘膜模様が観察される,④ 病変が多発することが多い,の4点であった.胃炎類似型はさらに,びらん・潰瘍型,色調変化型,顆粒・結節型に細分類され,びらん性胃炎,急性胃粘膜病変,消化性潰瘍,萎縮性胃炎,鳥肌状胃炎などとの鑑別が必要である.一方,隆起型は,表面にびらんや潰瘍を伴い,形状も不整であることから間葉系腫瘍との鑑別は容易であるが,IIa型早期胃癌や形質細胞腫との鑑別が問題となる.早期胃癌類似型は胃炎類似型に比べて,壁深達度がSM以深の症例が多く(p<0.01),Helicobacter pylori感染を認めない症例の割合が高かった(p<0.01).
To elucidate the difference in endoscopic findings of gastric MALT lymphoma(GML)and early gastric cancer(or gastritis), we studied 98 cases of GML. Endoscopic findings of all cases were recognized as superficial type according to Sano's classification. Further, these endoscopic findings could be classified into 3 types ; early gastric cancer(type IIc)-like type(EGC type)GML, gastritis-like type(GI type), and protruded type(PT type). Forty-three of 98 cases were classified into EGC type GML, and another 49 cases were GI type. The remaining 6 cases were divided into PT type GML. EGC type GML often looked like IIc type early gastric cancer, but features of endoscopic findings of EGC type GML were as follows ; 1)unclearness of the peripheral margin, 2)lack of moth-eaten appearance, 3)existence of superficial fine pattern, 4)multiple lesions. Endoscopic findings of GI type GML could be subclassified into erosive/ulcer type, change-of-hue type, and granular/nodular type. GI type GML was easily misdiagnosed as erosive gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic atrophic gastritis, or follicular gastritis because of the similarity of the endoscopic finding. PT type GML should be distinguished from submucosal tumor such as gastrointestinal stromal tumor and IIa type early gastric cancer. No significant difference was recognized between EGC type and GI type GML according to sex, age, affected region, and stage. On the other hand, depth of invasion was significantly limited to within the mucosa in GI type GML compared with EGC type(P<0.01), and the positive rate of Helicobacter pylori infection in GI type GML was higher than that in EGC type(P<0.01).

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