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要旨 日本食道学会分類でAVA(avascular area)は,Type B血管に囲まれた無血管領域,もしくは血管が粗な領域と定義されている.当センターにおいて食道癌の内視鏡切除を行った症例を対象に,AVAの有用性を検討した.AVAは8.4%(46/547病変)にみられた.AVAがみられた部分の深達度を検討したところ,pT1a-EP/LPM癌,pT1a-MM/T1b-SM1癌,pT1b-SM2癌における正診率は,それぞれ80.6%(25/31病変),76.9%(10/13病変),50.0%(1/2病変)であった.AVAの診断で重要な点は,AVAを囲む血管がloop血管かnon-loop血管かを鑑別することである.一方,AVAを用いた場合,小範囲での浸潤例や,上皮内癌および基底膜が保たれたまま浸潤する症例の診断は困難であった.
A new endoscopic classification, the Japan Esophageal Society classification, has been developed. In this classification, AVA(avascular area)is defined as an area with low vascularity surrounded by type B vessels. We investigated the significance of AVA in patients with esophageal cancer treated by endoscopic resection in our department. AVA was observed in 8.4%(46/547 lesions)of lesions. Diagnostic accuracy of cancer invasion depth using AVA was 80.6%(25/31 lesions)in pathological T1a-EP/LPM cancers, 76.9%(10/13 lesions)in pathological T1a-MM/T1b-SM1 cancers, 50.0%(1/2 lesions)in pathological T1b-SM2 cancers. Characterizing the vessels surrounding AVA was the important point for accurate diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis was difficult when cancer was invading in a small area or when the structure of intraepithelial cancer was not destroyed by cancer invasion.
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