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要旨 カプセル内視鏡は,患者にやさしい検査であるが,狙った部位を観察できないなどの欠点がある.その点を解決するため,近年いくつかの“自走式”カプセル内視鏡が開発されている.その1つとして,胃の磁気誘導カプセル内視鏡(magnetically guided capsule endoscope ; MGCE)を,オリンパスメディカルシステムズ社とシーメンス社が共同開発した.このMGCEの有用性,実現可能性を検討するため,上部消化管内視鏡との比較試験が行われた.その結果,MGCEの検査完了率は80.3%(49/61)で,診断率には大きな相違はなく,高い患者受容性が示された.
CE(capsule endoscopy)is a comfortable device for the patient, however, it has several disadvantages compared to the conventional endoscope, for example, it can't obtain targeted observations. To overcome this disadvantage, navigated CE has been developed in recent years. One of these new modalities is the MGCE(magnetically guided capsule endoscope)developed by Olympus and Siemens. A clinical trial comparing MGCE and conventional gastroscopy was conducted to assess the feasibility and the efficacy of MGCE. This study showed completion rate of MGCE was 80.3%(49/61), and overall diagnostic yield was similar for both modalities. There was high patient acceptability of MGCE.

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