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要旨 Crohn病(CD)に対する高い効果を示すインフリキシマブ(IFX)であるが,副作用には注意が必要である.副作用は大きく分けて生物学的製剤であることに起因するもの(infusion reaction)とTNF-αの機能抑制に起因するもの(結核を中心とした感染症や心不全など)がある.infusion reactionはATIの産生と関連性があり,またepisodic投与で出現しやすくなる.欧米に比べ結核感染者数の多いわが国では,特に結核菌に注意が必要であり,より厳格に予防対策をとらなければならない.まれではあるが注意が必要な合併症に乾癬がある.再燃しやすく注意深い治療戦略が必要である.
Infliximab shows efficacy in induction and maintenance of response and remission in treatment-refractory CD. Some adverse events(acute and delayed infusion reactions)are due to the nature of biologics itself, others(infectious diseases, heart failure and others)the result of suppression of TNF-α. Infusion reaction is associated with ATI formation and is more common in episodic treatment. In Japan, a history of TB exposure should be regarded more carefully and TB prevention procedures should be followed more strictly. The same applies to HBV. Psoriasis associated with anti-TNF therapy is uncommon, but should receive careful attention. Forty-three percent of the cases required definitive withdrawal of anti-TNF therapy due to recurrence of rash.

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