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Three-Dimensional Endoscopic Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Gastorointestinal Diseases Tadayoshi Kakemura 1 , Sumio Fujinuma 2 , Koichiro Sato 3 , Sayo Ito 3 , Fumiko Shigiyama 3 , Mitsuru Kato 3 , Tomoyuki Kitagawa 3 , Masakazu Shigetoshi 3 , Yukio Takenaka 3 , Iruru Maetani 3 1Division of Gastroenterology, Sanmu Medical Center, Chiba, Japan 2Division of Gastroenterology, Utsunomiya East Hospital, Tochigi, Japan 3Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo Keyword: 消化管病変 , 三次元 , 3D , 超音波内視鏡 , EUS pp.538-546
Published Date 2012/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403113156
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 Three-dimensional(3D)image reconstruction in EUS(endoscopic ultrasonography)enables us to evaluate gastrointestinal diseases spatially. Automatic 3D helical scanning is effective for mastering EUS techniques. The advantage of data obtained by 3D-EUS is that it provides the capability of the accurate diagnosis of lesions. Also 3D-EUS is usefull for education in the use of EUS. 3D manifestation is valuable visually to explore the deepest point of cancer invasion and to distinguish lymph nodes from blood vessels. Arbitrary cross-sectional images in any chosen plane make it possible to observe the junction of the head and stalk of a pedunculated polyp. EUS is useful for determining the indication for endoscopic resection as a total biopsy, and it enhances reliability of diagnosis and safety of treatment for gastrointestinal diseases.

 In 3D intracorporeal ultrasonography for the gastrointestinal tract, 3D-EUS using slim ultrasonic probes is widely used for assessing gastrointestinal diseases. Nevertheless, several existing limitations regarding penetration and scanning stroke in this system must be solved. To resolve limited penetration, a new rectal 3D rigid probe with a 7.5MHz transducer has been developed, which is available for the anorectal region. However, 3D-EUS by means of a conventional echoendscope with an electric scanning transducer, which is fully compatible with 3D functions of conventional ultrasound systems, should be developed to take full advantage of EUS technology.

 Further investigation of clinical practice while demonstrate the potential abilities of 3D-EUS. It is important to make the most of 3D sono-information.

Copyright © 2012, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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