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The diagnosis of cancer borders was studied histologically and endoscopically.
Contrast method including indigocarmine method, congo red-evans blue method and methylene blue staining method was performed on 69 lesions of depressed cancer and 4 lesions of type IIb early cancer of the stomach.
1) Differentiated adenocarcinoma of the stomach differed from undifferentiated carcinoma in the marginal infiltration. In the former, cancer nests exposed in 92% of the lesion at the marginal area. The depression, where cancer exposed, was generally shallow and unclearly demarcated. The latter lesions generally had marked depression, althogh the depressed margins with exposed cancer nest were seen in only 63%. The middle layer infiltrating type, which invaded into intermediate layer of the gastric mucosa beyond the depression, was seen in 36% of lesion composed of undifferentiated carcinoma.
2) Both histological types of gastric carcinoma can be differentiated with dye endoscopy on the basis of the relation between fundic-pyloric glandular border and site of lesion, with reference to the grade of intestinal metaplasia in the surrounding mucosa.
3) Diagnosis of the cancer border was more difficult by routine endoscopy than by macroscopic examination of the resected specimen, because routine endoscopy was inferior in delineating minimal depression in the gastric mucosa.
4) The cancer border was diagnosed more easily by contrast method than by macroscopic examination of the resected specimen, because contrast method clarified marginal depression of the lesion and visualized abnormal areae gastricae. With contrast method, the cancer border could be almost outlined in 73% of the lesion composed of undifferentiated carcinoma, and in 91% of the lesion composed of differentiated adenocarcinoma, while with routine endoscopy in less than 50% out of both histological types of the gastric cancer.
5) The cancerous lesions of middle layer type were hardly diagnosed with routine or dye endoscopy. The lesions showed minimal mucosal findings such as discoloration, depression, elevation and abnormal areae gastricae in the marginal area of undifferentiated carcinoma. The extent of this type was occasionally suggested with methylene blue staining.
6) Endoscopy employing the contrast method was generally effective in diagnosis of type IIb early gastric cancer composed of differentiated adenocarcinoma. Combination of the contrast and staining method was effective in diagnosis of extensive lesion of type Ⅱb cancer with middle layer type.
7) Contrast method should be applied to diagnosis of extent of cancerous infiltration for detailed examination. Methylene blue staining method should be applied in aids of diagnosis on the suspicion of type Ⅱb lesion or middle layer infiltration.

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