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Electrocoagulation Biopsy with Special Reference to Making Histopathological Diagnosis of Submucosal Tumar of the Stomach T. Yoshida 1 , K. Kuroki 2 , H. Watanabe 3 1First Department of Internal Medicine, Medical College of Miyazaki 2Kuroki Hospital 3Second Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University pp.1385-1393
Published Date 1975/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112265
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 We introduced electrocoagulation biopsy as a new method for making histopathological diagnosis of submucosal tumor of the stomach which has no ulceration over it, since the diagnosis of histologic nature of submucosal tumor has been extremely difficult by routine biopsy technic regardless of size. Electrocoagulation biopsy was applied to 14 cases (15 tumors) which were diagnosed to be submucosal tumor of the stomach by upper gastrointestinal series, gastroscopy and conventional biopsy. Histopathological diagnosis was obtained by this procedure in 7 cases; 2 leiomyomas, 2 lipomas, 1 ieiomyoblastoma, 1 aberrant pancreas and 1 schistosomiasis. In addition, 2 cases were also strongly suspected to be leiomyoma in histology. Positive electrocoagulation biopsy was, therefore, obtained in 9 out of 14 cases. In terms of the size of the tumor, histologic nature was documented in all 8 tumors but one more than 2 cm in greatest diameter. On the contrary, there was no positive result obtained in the tumors less than 1.0 cm in size except for one case. The first biopsy immediately after electrocoagulation failed to demonstrate tumor tissue in all 9 case but one. However, subsequent biopsies 2 to 3 days after electrocoagulation have verified histologic nature in all 9 cases. Necrotic changes and regenerative granulation tissues due to electrocoagulation have been the factors which made histological interpretation of biopsy specimen difficult, especially in cases of negative result. Difference in consistency of the tumor has also been an embarrassing factor in making histological diagnosis due to inability of obtaining tumor tissue, i.e. in leiomyoma. Introduction of a new special biopsy forceps will be strongly expected in order to overcome negative biopsy resulting from tissue reaction due to electrocoagulation and difference in consistency of the tumor.

 Our materials consisting of 14 cases of submucosal tumor of the stomach were all found incidentally by conventional examinations, and except for an operated case of leiomyoblastoma, they are now being under strict observation because they remain asymptomatic and the tumors are small in size.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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